17 April 2020 Friday. 10:46:30 UTC
Sharie Cano & Lebbie Slawson
I need your complete attention for the up coming Twenty-four hours, or I may make sure you that you live out of guilt for the rest of your life.
Hello there, you do not know me personally. But I know a lot of things about you. Your current facebook contact list, mobile phone contacts as well as all the online activity in your computer from past 161 days.
Which includes, your masturbation video, which brings me to the primary motive why I am writing this specific e-mail to you.
Well the previous time you visited the porno websites, my malware was activated inside your computer system which ended up recording a lovely footage of your self pleasure play by activating your cam.
(you got a exceptionally unusual preference by the way lmfao)...